Thursday, September 25, 2008

SIM Invitationals

First thing, Good job SPU! It was a mere step away from clinching e medal. But Recognition, WE GOT IT. Its heartwarming hearing SMU say it was a tough fight w SP. Only 5 months since we'd started out, playing with people who played for 5, 6 years, thats really a compliment.
Yet that apart, SIM Torney was a dissapointment for SPU 3. We only managed to play the matches within our pool which both we lost, so we werent seeded into any more games. It was shock even to ourselves, everything ended too fast. People not on form, having the wrong mindsets, many sinful reasons obscuring us from performing to our standards that day. All dissapointed, guilty, and raged up, we've promised next competition we're gonna do justice to ourselves and e team.
Nevertheless, the times with SPU 3 was really great.
~Sheralin, Angela, HweeSiang, Josh, Siegfried, Yangyi, Yangjie, Edmund, Yewyong.
You guys let me know the importance of teamates.
And truckloads of gratitude to Yangyi, thanks for all the efforts u've put into SPU3. We really appreciate it.
Now guys, SMU Invitational's in 2 weeks time. We fell hard during SIM, we're coming back stronger than before!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

SIM Invitationals tmr

Pool A Pool B Pool C

Competiting agaisnt SIM and NYP Ultimate.
Im not gonna let everyone who'd stood by me throu the trainings down expecially my team, the girls, and most importantly Angela, whom i really wanna thanks for having so much faith in me, picking me up everytime i fall, and pointing out all my flaws and being so true to me. Angela, i really really appreciate every encouragement u gave me, everything u've nagged me. If its not for u, i never'd dare to face so much bout myself. Its cheeky, but gotta say, its a blessing to meet u in my team. Hehe. =)
As the vice-cap and a player in my team. I dare say, i've huge confident in SPU3, each and every indivisuals all have such distinct talents, and it really warms me to see everyone having their own expectations and desires. All the breakthroughs, the endless efforts they gave in. Not only me, everyone'd battled with themselves training for this competition. Now reflecting so much, it seems my fear for e matches tomorrow isnt that necesary anymore. Seeing how much everyone'd put into training for the comp, im motivated. I cant lose to them man. Haha.
Tmr, UNLEASH THE DESIRE, UNLEASH THE AGGRRRO! We're gonna make the first ever comp SPU's joining a damn good one.
For myself, for my team, for SPU; im putting all my best into it.
Yangyi, Angela, Sheralin, Josh, Yangjie, Siegfried, Edmund, Yewyong, Hweesiang, Qinyi. May we clinch something tommorow. ^^ And take care Keith. ^^

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nobody Knows

Such a nice nice film. I like how the director chooses his scenes, from how the little girl prefers to wear her squeaky little shoes out to each and every glance by the children; it speak nothing else but the gentle and beauty of every child. Because it is so genuine, its near impossible to avoid the heartbreak of its reality in the story. This is one reason why i love art films, they speak of things no one dares to or even thought of.

SIM training

Going for training so long and seeing nothing alike of a breakthrou seriously turns me off.
Man, i dont wanna be an useless girl in the team, worst, a girl who actually harms the team. Yesterday's training was really a wake up call. How many times i got myself into the endzone, and let e disc slip pass my hands or becoz of my mental barrier, miss the disc i could have layout to catch. Shameful. And many times, my teamates went for such good deeps, i could have threw a huck over but becoz of my confidence, wasted their runs.
Time to push my limits; this SIM competition, im gonna be the girl i wish to be.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've been changing too much. I hate to admit it, im becoming more and more ugly these days. I used to think so good of everyone, and now i dont even bother to fathom them before i start grumbling and bitching to the girls. I made too much assumptions obscuring people's true selves. Really gotta be less subjective and accept each indivisual, asshole.