Sunday, October 31, 2010


Theres a reason why i dont drink. I hate the feeling of losing control of yourself. So much for the discipline to hold up your values, avoiding things that'll get you regret every moment after. Not getting carried away by alcohol is just a resposibility for yourself, for the parents, all the time they spent to nuture you. They say you are the real you when you're drunk, but whose not self-centered, vulgar and crazy. Guarded by moral and rationality - losing them, we are all the same isnt it.
As much as I dislike drinking, I dont like to see my love ones getting carried away by alcohol. Period.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Cant believe Alvin waited 2 hours under my place to surprise me with this new Taiwanese bubbletea he found. Only to miss me walking pass to take e lift up! And my super suay phone got flat during the hours. Hahaha! Still it really really warms my heart.
Heres to the 2nd month! =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


宇宙人 X 1976


宇宙人 X 旺福

宇宙人 X 五月天!!!

Best thing when your favourite bands are good friends.
You get all these awesome collaborations! Heheh.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

思念总是让我受困 脱不了身
我摸黑找不到 回家的路程

最近感觉握紧在手中的东西 一直不断得流失。。

Sunday, October 24, 2010


And Aubrey was her name,
A not so very ordinary girl or name.
But whos to blame?
For a love that wouldnt bloom
For the hearts that never played in tune.
Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing,
Take away the words that rhyme it doesnt mean a thing.

And Aubrey was her name.
We triped the light and danced together to the moon,
But where was june.
No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
Catching all the words, but then the meaning going past,

But God I miss the girl,
And Id go a thousand times around the world just to be
Closer to her than to me.

And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her, but I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
And the reasons that would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest.
If I cant have the one I want, I’ll do without the best.

But how I miss the girl
And Id go a million times around the world just to say
She had been mine for a day.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Over the holiz

Made up my little piece of garden!
Now i can say, Sagethegardener gardens! Hahahaha.

Friday, October 8, 2010


6 more months, and im out of it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

午夜三點 風雨交加

路邊攤 我和她 電影散場
路邊攤 雨棚下 聊到打烊
那一秒以為 她跟我的故事 

我愛她 那個暑假

Friday, October 1, 2010

Its always this time into the nights, I start regretting my decisions. Fark.

才發現 已經過了一生

作詞:楊明學 作曲:范瑋琪

7點10分 清晨時分 慵懶的氣氛
睡不著 醒不了 我又失了魂
我枯坐著 望著日輪

鳥嗚聲 讓我回神
才發現 已經過了一生

浮浮沉沉 假假真真
為誰辛苦 為誰認真
為何努力 為何犧牲
拼了再拼 忍了又忍

還是欲望 這種本能
會讓人忘了 有多心疼
只是不知 無論如何
到了最後 還不是一個人

到了最後 才發現不是 一個人

One of my favourite piece.
Rest in peace, 楊明學。