Saturday, August 16, 2008


Okay a lil update bout my life lately.
Hmm.. money very tight. Gotta save for soo many things. Braces, A*mei's gig, duffle, a new pair of cleats, club jerseys, few albums i love so much. After much comtemplating, i decided not to get underarmour since im not to that high standard yet and its not so essential for handlers. So good thing.
Just submmited my term proj, e hub design 3 days ago. Took me a whole lotza hardwork getting my hub right, building e model, and doing e documentations. Even my family wes in tension. Haha! My first taste of being an archi student, also marks e beginning of e 3 years of Architorture. For almost 4 days before my submission, i've average of 3 hrs sleep per day. Blasted e room w Madonna, Nelly Furtado, Timbaland etc etc to keep myself awake. Was all drained out, but really glad it went quite smoothly. Crit on next monday, gotta put in all my best selling my hub. I need an Ace!!
Okay now on a lighter note, Freezebee and SIM ultimate competitions' coming! Cant wait~! Really wish my team'll champ e comp since we're going to e novice catagory. Now, YUNKANGSHENG. Get well real soon! We need our chickin captain! =)
With 2 comps in line, cant wait to commit into frisbee once more. Disc all day not worrying bout schoolworks. Thats fantasy come to life. Hehee.

1 comment:

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

Adorei, achei muito interessante!
Visite meu blog.

Beijos e abraços!!!